
Human thymocytes and thymocyte subsets were examined for their proliferative response to recombinant interleukin-4 (IL-4) and interleukin-3 (IL-3) in serum-free cultures. IL-4 induced marked proliferation of thymocytes after PHA and TPA stimulation, in contrast to the marginal response of T cells from adult peripheral blood. However, depletion of thymocytes bearing the CD3 antigen diminished the IL-4-induced proliferation of thymocytes, indicating that the response of thymocytes to IL-4 is mainly mediated by the CD3-positive cells. Phenotypic changes after culture with IL-4 showed an increase in the percentage of total thymocytes expressing mature T cell antigens (CD3, CD5, and TCR-1) and a decrease in CD1 -positive cells. In addition there was an increase in the percentage of CD4 +8 − cells in both nylon wool-separated thymocytes and CD3-depleted cells with the disappearance of most of the CD4 +8 + cells. However, an increase in the percentage of CD4 −8 − cells was also observed. The IL-4-responding cells do, however, express the mature T cell antigen, CD5, in high density. The effect of IL-3 on the proliferation of human thymocytes was very low and detected only when the thymocytes were cultured in serum-free medium. Depletion of CD3-positive cells did not diminish the IL-3-mediated proliferation of thymocytes, indicating that IL-3-responsive thymocytes are more immature than the subset of thymocytes which responds to IL-4. These results suggest that IL-4 and IL-3 play different roles in the development of human T cells.

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