
Immune responses to infection result in behavioral changes that affect resource acquisition, such as general starvation and compensatory feeding to offset changes in resource allocation. Mormon crickets aggregate and march in bands containing millions of insects. Some bands are comprised of insects seeking proteins. They are also low in circulating phenoloxidase (PO) and more susceptible to fungal attack, as we have demonstrated in the lab. Here, we ask: Do Mormon crickets elevate PO and consume protein in response to infection by the pathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana? B. bassiana was applied topically (day 0), and mortality began on day 5. Total protein, PO, and prophenoloxidase (proPO) were assayed in hemolymph on day 1 and 4. On day 1, PO titers were not different between inoculated and control insects, whereas by day 4, PO was greater in the inoculated group. proPO activity was unchanged. Circulating protein declined in inoculated insects relative to controls. As predicted, PO titers were elevated as a result of fungal infection, and hemolymph protein was reduced, but the insects did not compensate behaviorally. Indeed, during the first three days post-infection, infected insects reduced protein consumption while maintaining carbohydrate consumption similar to the controls. Following day 3, a more general reduction in protein and carbohydrate intake was evident in infected insects. Survivorship to infection was associated with the amount of protein consumed and unrelated to carbohydrate consumption. Selective protein deprivation by the host seems counterintuitive, but it might limit growth and toxin production by the invading fungus. Alternatively, the fungus might control the host diet to compromise host immunity to infection. Abrupt changes in allocation resulting from an infection can lead to changes in acquisition that are not always intuitive. Because protein acquisition drives aggression between members of the migratory band, B. bassiana application may reduce cannibalism and slow band movement.

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