
Layer 5 neurons of the neocortex receive their principal inputs from layer 2/3 neurons. We seek to identify the nature and extent of the plasticity of these projections with motor learning. Using optogenetic and viral intersectional tools to selectively stimulate distinct neuronal subsets in rat primary motor cortex, we simultaneously record from pairs of corticospinal neurons associated with distinct features of motor output control: distal forelimb vs. proximal forelimb. Activation of Channelrhodopsin2-expressing layer 2/3 afferents onto layer 5 in untrained animals produces greater monosynaptic excitation of neurons controlling the proximal forelimb. Following skilled grasp training, layer 2/3 inputs onto corticospinal neurons controlling the distal forelimb associated with skilled grasping become significantly stronger. Moreover, peak excitatory response amplitude nearly doubles while latency shortens, and excitatory-to-inhibitory latencies become significantly prolonged. These findings demonstrate distinct, highly segregated, and cell-specific plasticity of layer 2/3 projections during skilled grasp motor learning.

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