
Abstract— In the chick optic system cholesterol is axonally transported in two phases which appear to take their cholesterol from different cellular pools. The intraocular injection of radioactire cholesterol results in the specific labelling of the slow phase which carries cholesterol in the unesterificd form and appears to move at the same rate as the slow phase of protein transport (Rostaset al., 1975). The intraocular injection of radioactive mevalonic acid, a metabolic precursor of cholesterol, results in the preferential labelling of a more rapid phase of axonal transport which also carries cholesterol in the unesterified form and is first detected at the optic tectum 10 h after the injection. It is likely that this rapid phase travels at the same rate as the rapid phase of protein transport and that the delayed arrival at the tectum is due to a lag time in the retina caused by the synthesis of cholesterol and its packaging for transport. Because the individual pools for the two transport phases can be selectively labelled, the retina and optic nerve provide a unique model system in which the metabolic turnover, intracellular compartmentalization and intracellular transport of cholesterol can be studied.

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