
1H NMR spectroscopy is a quick and easy tool to resolve enantiomers. However, the paradigm of resolution of enantiomers by 1H NMR is a difficult task due to the minor chemical shift differences and overlap of the resonances of the enantiomers. In the current study, we have performed the conventional selective homodecoupling 1D-1H NMR experiment to achieve chiral resolutions. The predominant features of the proposed methods are (a) high sensitivity as opposed to routinely employed pure shift NMR experiments, (b) easy optimization like conventional 1D-1H NMR, and (c) an artifact-free spectrum. The application of the method has been exhibited in the measurement of proton chemical shift differences between diastereomers and enantiomer excess (ee). The broad use of the proposed method was demonstrated by employing the six samples utilizing the chiral solvating and derivatizing agents.

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