
Turbulent plasmas form a variety of mesoscale structures, which affect the level of anomalous transport in fusion plasmas. A streamer is a poloidally localized, radially elongated vortex, which increases convective transport. We have carried out numerical simulations of resistive drift wave turbulence in a linear configuration, as a minimal model for analysing the structural formation mechanism in magnetized plasmas by mode coupling. A three-field reduced MHD model is extended to describe the resistive drift wave turbulence in cylindrical plasmas. A poloidally localized turbulent structure, which has the typical temporal scale of the streamer, is formed by the self-bunching of a couple of unstable modes in nonlinear saturation states. The formed structure depends on the magnitude of the ion–neutral collision frequency, which is the damping parameter of the zonal flow, and the streamer is formed when the damping of the zonal flow is stronger than that of the intermediate mode for the streamer formation. We found that the streamer is selectively formed to keep the particle balance as long as the drift wave is unstable.

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