
Abstract Selective facsimile, SelFac, is a long-range project to develop a medium similar and supplementary to a newspaper, using mixed-mode transmission techniques via ISDN or satellite to output A4 pages of information on a home laser printer. Pages would contain test in a variety of type faces and sizes, photographs, other illustrations and advertising. Three services are proposed: SelFac Basis, a continuously updated, pre-packaged news digest; SelFac Dialog, an interactive service; and SelFac Profil, a package of news items assembled according to the subscriber's pre-registered interest areas. The SelFac project is promoted by IFRA, an international non-profit research association of 700 daily newspapers, and by IPTC, the International Press Telecommunication Council. It has been accepted by the ESPRIT II Research Programme of the European Community as eligible for funding. SelFac will promote and profit from advances in database management, data transmission and low-cost, high-quality printing. A project group of newspapers has been formed and the aim is to arrange for a prototype demonstration in 1988.

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