
AbstractNarrow‐band Purcell enhancement for electric and magnetic dipole emitters by high‐order Mie resonances up to the magnetic and electric octupole modes of a silicon nanosphere antenna is experimentally demonstrated. Eu3+ complexes are attached on the surface of a silicon nanosphere 160 to 316 nm in diameter, and the photoluminescence and scattering properties are investigated. It is shown that the branching ratio of the 5D0→7Fj (j = 0–4) f‐f transitions of Eu3+ is controlled in a wide range by tuning the resonance wavelength of a silicon nanosphere by the size. Because of the high‐quality factor resonances, not only a specific 5D0→7Fj transition, but also a specific Stark sublevel transition whose spectral separation is 3–9 nm can be selectively enhanced by precisely controlling the size of a silicon nanosphere with the accuracy of ≈2 nm.

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