
AbstractThis paper presents a method to selectively elevate the degree of an S‐Patch of arbitrary dimension. We consider not only S‐Patches with 2D domains but 3D and higher‐dimensional domains as well, of which volumetric cage deformations are a subset. We show how to selectively insert control points of a higher degree patch into a lower degree patch while maintaining the polynomial reproduction order of the original patch. This process allows the user to elevate the degree of only one portion of the patch to add new degrees of freedom or maintain continuity with adjacent patches without elevating the degree of the entire patch, which could create far more degrees of freedom than necessary. Finally we show an application to cage‐based deformations where we increase the number of control points by elevating the degree of a subset of cage faces. The result is a cage deformation with higher degree triangular Bézier functions on a subset of cage faces but no interior control points.

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