
Abstract. There is evidence that female three-spined sticklebacks, Gasterosteus aculeatus L., prefer to mate with males whose nests contain eggs rather than with males with empty nests. While there is consensus on this point, a dispute exists about whether this preference should be attributed to a direct effect of the eggs on the female's entering the nest or, alternatively, to a positive impact of the eggs on the courtship behaviour and breeding coloration of the male. In the field experiment reported here females strongly preferred nests with eggs over empty nests. Additionally, females were less likely to enter risky nests with eggs: nests that contained fewer eggs than one average clutch or more eggs than the average nest content of parental males in this population. However, in the field possible differences in male attractiveness were not controlled for. In supplementary laboratory experiments the effect on female choice of possible changes in male attractiveness (intensified courtship and coloration) as a result of the presence of eggs in the nest was tested. Other differences in male attractiveness as a result of differences in male quality (body size, breeding coloration before the test, territory quality and size) were controlled for. When females had no access to the nests, they showed no preference for males with eggs in their nests in simultaneous choice tests. These results, together with the earlier published data, make it likely that the preference of females for nests with eggs is partly a direct consequence of the eggs themselves. So female sticklebacks are influenced by the mate choice behaviour of other females, but remain selective as to the actual nest content.

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