
Introduction: Renal arteriovenous malformations (AVMs) are aberrant connections between the renal artery and vein. They present most commonly with gross hematuria. Treatment options are catheter embolization, balloon catheter occlusion, vascular ligation, partial nephrectomy or nephrectomy. Selective embolization is currently the first line treatment for arteriovenous fistulas. Setting: KFMC, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia Case: A 28 year female presented with gross intractable hematuria. C.T revealed horseshoe kidney. Selective left renal angiography revealed a cork-screw like small renal vessels at inter polar region. Selective embolization of AV malformation was done. Hematuria was resolved. DMSA after one year revealed 33% function in that kidney. Conclusion: Super selective transcatheter embolization should be the initial treatment modality for congenital AVM even in anomalous kidneys with the aim to control bleeding and occlude those malformations supplied by the terminal portion of inters lobar arteries. Renal scintigraphy is a useful follow up tool for evaluating renal function in these patients after embolization.

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