
After activation with specific antigen and antigen presenting cells (APC) L3T4 + inducer T-cell clones can lyse Ia + APC. The present study characterizes the mechanism of activation and specificity of L3T4 + inducer cell-mediated cytolytic function. Two methods that bypass the physiological stimulus of antigen presented on Ia + APC were used to activate L3T4 + clones. The first method utilized an antireceptor monoclonal antibody (MAb), KJ16.133, to activate KJ16.133 + clones. The activated clones expressed nonspecific cytolytic activity, killing target cells irrespective of their H-2 haplotype or their ability to express cell surface Ia molecules. The crosslinking of bound KJ16.133 antibody greatly enhanced cytolytic activity. This activation is receptor specific because KJ16.133 − clones were not activated under identical conditions. The second method of activation was provided by a synergistic action of phorbol-12-myristate-13-acetate (PMA) and ionophore A23187. These agents nonspecifically activated all L3T4 + clones tested. The simultaneous presence of the two agents is required for maximal activation. Again, the activated clones expressed potent nonspecific cytolytic activity. These observations demonstrated that L3T4 + inducer T-cell-mediated killing can be separated into two stages: an activation step, which can be specifically and nonspecifically triggered and an effector phase which causes nonspecific lysis of bystander targets. The induction of nonspecific cytolytic activity by antireceptor MAb was inhibited by anti-L3T4 MAb (GK1.5). In contrast, activation of nonspecific cytolytic activity by treatment with PMA plus A23187 was not inhibited by anti-L3T4 MAb. Under the above activation conditions, antireceptor MAb selectively induced the secretion of IL-3 and expression of nonspecific cytolytic activity. However, there was little or no concommittant proliferation and production of IL-2. In contrast, activation by PMA plus A23187 coordinately induces expression of nonspecific cytolytic activity, secretion of lymphokines (IL-3 and IL-2), and cell proliferation. Thus, the anticlonotypic activation preferentially induces certain functions whereas activation with PMA plus A23187 is not selective.

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