
Muscle activities and joint rotations were examined at the shoulder, elbow, and wrist joints for pointing movements to targets in the horizontal plane. In such movements, multiple arm configurations are possible for a given target location. Thus, starting from the same initial configuration and for the same target location in space, the joint excursions could be varied. When no constraints were placed on the final orientation of the hand, the choice of muscles initially activated at the wrist joint was consistent with a function to resist inertial effects of proximal segment motion on the wrist joint. When subjects were asked to produce different final orientations of the hand for the same target location, the initial choice of muscles at the three joints was preserved in most trials, whether wrist flexion or extension was required to reach the final hand orientation. The relative onset times of muscle activity at the different joints were also not correlated with wrist excursion. This suggests a predetermined initial selection of muscles that is related to target location, not to joint angular excursion. The fact that the required final hand orientation was nevertheless achieved suggests that the planning of these pointing movements is not a unitary process, but is comprised of two components: a fixed initial muscle selection for a given target location in space, and a selection appropriate for the required joint excursions.

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