
Sanitary city cleaning is one of the most important sanitary and hygiene events, promoting protection of human health and environment. Sanitary cleaning includes a complex of works on solid municipal wastes (SMW) collection, transportation, deactivation, processing and burial and urban territory cleaning. In order to improve the works on SMW handling and the ecological state of urban territories, enterprises of public and utility sphere operate, organizing all types of works listed above. However, processes of waste creation and accumulation are dynamic in their essence. Process of waste transportation depends on various factors. Management of this process often demands urgent correcting of earlier taken decisions or even cancellation of those decisions. Reasons of such changes could be of the most unpredictable nature, for example, traffic jams on motorways, vehicles breakage, repair works on the roads, etc. Thus, the enterprise (or, more precisely, the facilities serviced by it, the transport) acting with the purpose of providing ecological safety to urban territories, is the source of E pollution by itself. One of the main stages of SMW handling is waste transportation, where sources of E pollution with wastes (accumulation points) and enterprises on handling SMW are involved. That is why the solution of the pressing issue of increasing ecological safety of urban territories on the basis of ecologically efficient and energetically economic selection of engineering-ecological system of SMW transportation is represented in the article.


  • Vigorous rates of development of urban territories are accompanied with increase of load on E, including the growth of the number of created solid municipal wastes (SMW)

  • SMW are the sources of secondary material and energetic resources, use of which allows to reduce the load on E and decrease the consumption of natural resources [1,2,3, 28,29,30,31], which is one of the main tasks to implement the system of SMW handling in the urban territories

  • M1 transport M 2 transport ˜100,%, M 1 transport where Еef is design efficiency of implementation of SMW transportation, %; М1(transport) is actual initial specific quantity of SMW, collected and accepted into the transportation vehicle for transportation of SMW to the places of further handling, kg/t (t/year); М2(transport) – actual final specific quantity of SMW transported for realization of the further stage of handling taking into consideration irrecoverable losses, kg/t (t/year)

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Vigorous rates of development of urban territories are accompanied with increase of load on E, including the growth of the number of created SMW. Existing situation in the sphere of SMW handling demands making immediate decisions in the part of creation of modern ecologically efficient and energetically economic engineering-ecological systems of SMW handling, providing for implementation of modern wastes collection, transportation, processing and burial technologies. Such technologies could be realized with the help of different methods, ways and technical means [7, 11, 2527], the choice of which is made, as a rule, on basis of economic comparison of several variants and simplicity of technical realization. Improvement of the system of SMW handling, based on minimization of wastes creation and absolute processing of the majority of their fractions with maximum use of material and energy potential will allow to ecologically efficiently and energetically economically manage the movement of wastes flows, going the way of transition from traditional SMW handling to their resource use by application of engineering-ecological means, providing for implementation of wastes transportation, as one of the major stages of SMW handling, which, in the end, determines the actuality of the research topic

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