
An analysis of the wool productivity in Caucasian breed sheep of various sex and age groups is presented, and the effectiveness of selection in terms of the length, fineness, thickness and yolk of wool is shown. It was revealed that in the CJSC of “Plemzavod named after V.V. Kalyagin, the Hero of Socialist Labor”, the average clip of greasy wool is 5.8 kg when the yield of washed fiber is 59.1%. It has been established that the genetic recourses of the herd enable the farm to receive an average clip of 3.4 kg of washed wool. The selection differential for washed wool clip in animals of different sex and age groups was determined, which has made 0.9-3.3 kg, or 28.8-63.5%. The sheep capita of the Caucasian breed in the breeding plant is characterized by very thick wool (95.7%), which is confirmed by experimental data, where the total thickness of the hair follicles is 59.1 pieces per 1 mm2 of skin. It was established that the selection differential by the length of wool in the context of sex and age groups varies within 1.5-3.5 cm, or 16.7-43.8%. The revealed differentiation of wool fineness in Caucasian breed sheep confirms the consolidation of the herd by this trait, where the 64th quality is the leading fineness. It was experimentally established that the amount of wool fat in greasy non-fatted wool is 8.3%, the amount of wool sweat has made 12.1%, and the amount of diphilic substances is 3.2%. The ratio of wool fat: wool sweat is 0.70. It is noted that animals of the Caucasian breed have a white wool yolk (94.9%) and a sufficient amount of it (95.6%), which indicates a good consolidation of this trait in the sheep capita.

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