
Traffic flows in large cities have a non-uniformed character of origin and changes. The main parameters are often sensitive to the changes in the environmental conditions, specifically, the time of the day, season, etc. The magnitudes that characterize traffic flows have a stochastic nature and therefore they are difficult to predict. According to this, indicators such as intensity, density and traffic speed over time and space are uneven. Taking this into consideration, during the development of traffic management schemes, there arises a necessity to take into consideration additional factors which are of probabilistic nature. This approach provides more opportunities in the traffic management process and makes it possible to use appropriate ways to choose traffic management methods in certain cases. This process involves detailed studies of traffic indicators. The approaches and methods for studying the main indicators of traffic flows were given. They include both field methods and simulation, which involves accounting of mathematical and physical patterns of traffic flows. It also makes it possible to predict the situation when choosing a traffic management scheme with the use of computer equipment. The results of the studies, which were conducted according to the described methods, were analyzed. These results indicate a close relationship between the relative traffic composition for the types of vehicles and the indicators of queuing and delays within the intersections. According to the results, mathematical dependences characterizing this relationship were obtained. It was established that the choice of a road traffic scheme at intersections should be made taking into consideration the traffic flow composition, as each regulation type is effective for a particular case


  • Development of modern cities, the population of which exceeds 500 thousand people, is uneven in nature, as different sectors and trends of this development have different dynamics

  • There arises the need to create new infrastructure elements, as well as to reconstruct morally and physically obsolete facilities. Traffic flows in such cities are heterogeneous and dispersed in space and time, and this property often adversely affects the development of a settlement

  • This encourages architects and transport engineers to conduct research into the main indicators of traffic flows on a street and road network of urbanized spaces

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Control processes

Транспортнi потоки у великих мiстах мають неоднорiдний характер виникнення та змiни. Основнi параметри є часто чутливими до змiн умов навколишнього середовища, а саме часу доби, сезону тощо. Якi характеризують транспортнi потоки, мають стохастичний характер i тому їх спрогнозувати досить важко. З врахуванням цього, пiд час розроблення схем органiзацiї дорожнього руху виникає необхiднiсть врахування додаткових чинникiв, якi мають ймовiрнiсний характер. Цей процес передбачає детальнi дослiдження показникiв дорожнього руху. Наведенi пiдходи i методи щодо вивчення основних показникiв транспортних потокiв. До них вiдносяться як натурнi методи, так i iмiтацiйне моделювання, яке передбачає врахування математичних i фiзичних закономiрностей руху транспортних потокiв. Також це дозволяє прогнозувати ситуацiю пiд час вибору тiєї чи iншої схеми органiзацiї дорожнього руху з використанням комп’ютерної технiки. Вiдповiдно до результатiв, отримано математичнi залежностi, якi характеризують цей зв'язок. Встановлено, що вибiр схеми органiзацiї дорожнього руху на перехрестях повинен проводитись iз врахуванням складу транспортного потоку, оскiльки кожен вид регулювання по-своєму ефективний для того чи iншого випадку. Ключовi слова: склад транспортного потоку, транспортний потiк, схема органiзацiї дорожнього руху, транспортна затримка

Literature review and problem statement
Unsignalized intersection
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