
Purpose: Assessment of the current state of breeding and tribal work in northern reindeer herding.Due to the specifics of the content and incomplete dignification, breeding and tribal work in reindeer herding differs from other branches of animal husbandry. In the extreme natural conditions of the area, the interaction of the "genotype environment" has a significant impact on the realization of the genetic potential of the individual. The main selection feature of deer, determining all types of productivity - a living mass, an extremely variable phenotypic parameter, fluctuating in different years, by seasons of the year, by farms, which reduces the accuracy of the assessment of population-genetic parameters. In comparison with other pets, the role of natural selection in the microevolution of the reindeer is more substantial. The breeds of reindems relate to the aboriginal and so far do not have ingenust structures included in the state register of breeding achievements admitted to use. Methods for conducting reindeer tests for distinctness, homogeneity and stability, approved by the Government of the Silvering 24.11.2015, for No. 26-12-06, allows you to identify new types and raise breeding and tribal work in reindeer breeding to a higher level. Its main directions are the study, preservation and management of reindeer genetic resources in order to improve existing and creating new competitive types using high-performance genotyping technologies, accurate phenotyping, bio-information and digital technologies.Creation of methodological platforms and development of technologies that contribute to an increase in the implementation of the genetic potential of breeding forms of animals with improved parameters of economic and useful signs. Development of technologies for a lifetime management of meat quality to obtain high quality and safe food. Formation of a new paradigm of the selection process of creating highly productive forms, characterized by high quality indicators. Transformation of the paradigm "reindeer herding" in the conditions of a digital economy and global changes.

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