
Classical biological control is proposed for Paropsis charybdis (Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Chrysomelinae) a eucalypt pest established in New Zealand The Australian solitary larval endoparasitoid Eadya paropsidis (Hymenoptera Braconidae) is under investigation A potential nontarget species list was compiled for host range testing There are no endemic species of paropsines in the New Zealand fauna only invasive pest beetles The most closely related endemic beetles to the paropsines are Chrysomelinae in the genera Allocharis Aphilon Caccomolpus Chalcolampra and Cyrtonogetus Little is known about these species New Zealand has also introduced 12 beneficial chrysomelid weed biological control agents which include Chrysomelinae and their sister group the Galerucinae One endemic beetle six beneficial beetles and two pest beetles are listed as the highest priority species for host specificity testing

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