
Abstract: Development of sustainable biotechnologies for deep processing of grain raw materials requires effective mechanisms of obtaining strong wort for alcohol production. To provide qualitative characteristics of biochemical composition and rheological properties of strong wort, it is necessary to select optimal enzyme systems and conditions for deep conversion of high-molecular weight polymers of the grain. Previous research has proven the efficiency of carbohydrases for processing grain raw materials. However, there is little evidence on the catalytic effect of phytase, including in combination with other hydrolytic enzymes, on the degree of hydrolysis of polymers in grain raw materials when preparing strong wort. This paper demonstrates the effect of proteases and phytases in a multi-enzyme composition, as well as the conditions of enzymatic processing of raw materials, on the rheological and biochemical parameters of strong wort. Wheat, rye and corn were investigated. The synergism of the combined effect of studied hydrolases, including phytolytic and proteolytic enzymes, contributed to an increase in polymer conversion in this grain raw material and the concentration of soluble dry substances of the wort by 1.5 times. Using the proteases and phytases in the multienzyme composition allowed the concentration of the following components in the wort to be increased: glucose – by 1.2–1.3 times; amine nitrogen – by 1.5–2.2 times; phosphorus ions – by 1.4–4.3 times. Additionally, in the wort samples, the content of amino acids in the free form increased by over 4 times. It is shown that the pretreatment of grain raw materials at a temperature of 80–90ºС for 6 hours and saccharification for 1–2 hours using a complete complex of enzymes containing α-amylase, glucoamylase, xylanase, protease and phytase, allows a strong wort with a dry matter content of over 30% to be obtained. Moreover, a significant decrease in viscosity was noted (particularly for rye wort – by 1.3–1.9 times). Our results confirm the essential role of enzymes exhibiting substrate specificity to protein and phytic polymers in grain raw materials.


  • Development of sustainable biotechnologies for deep processing of grain raw materials requires effective mechanisms of obtaining strong wort for alcohol production

  • It is shown that the pretreatment of grain raw materials at a temperature of 80–90oС for 6 hours and saccharification for 1–2 hours using a complete complex of enzymes containing α-amylase, glucoamylase, xylanase, protease and phytase, allows a strong wort with a dry matter content of over 30% to be obtained

  • This paper demonstrates the effect of proteases and phytases in a multi-enzyme composition, as well as the conditions of enzymatic processing of raw materials, on the rheological and biochemical parameters of strong wort

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Зерновое сырье

Значения представлены в виде средних ± стандартное отклонение. I стадия (замес) – 60°С, 30 мин. Во всех вариантах приготовления сусла I-ая и II-ая стадии ферментативно-гидролитической обработки зернового сырья не различались III-ая и IV-ая стадии приготовления сусла различались продолжительностью инкубации Образцы сусла различались степенью конверсии полимеров в зависимости от длительности III-й и IV-й стадий ферментативно-гидролитической обработки сырья, а также от состава использованных ферментов Установлено, что длительная температурногидролитическая подготовка зернового замеса в течение 4-х ч (III-я стадия) и использование мультиэнзимной композиции, содержащей в своем составе наряду с амилазами и ксиланазами ферменты, катализирующие гидролиз белковых и фитиновых веществ, способствовало повышению содержания в сусле не только растворимых сухих и редуцирующих веществ, аминного азота, но и ассимилируемых дрожжами глюкозы и мальтозы, аминокислот в свободной форме и фосфатов При увеличении длительности ферментативно-гидролитической обработки зернового замеса наблюдалось заметное снижение вязкости, особенно в ржаном сусле – в 1,4 раза Характеристика и расход ферментных препаратов для биокаталитической конверсии полимеров пшеничного, кукурузного и ржаного сусла

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