
To establish a set of core competencies that could be practically examined in a pre-registration practical examination for Indonesian candidates completing their pre-service education. Indonesia is planning to institute a register for nurses to ensure a minimum standard of safe practice for new nurses completing their pre-service education. A proposed route to registration includes the practical examination of a minimum set of core competencies. This Delphi project aimed to reduce 192 existing standard competencies to an examinable group of 12 core competences that all nurses registering in Indonesia must meet. A modified Delphi method was used by 12 expert Indonesian nurses and a facilitator to determine which standard competencies should be considered core. Five Delphi rounds were used. One hundred and ninety-two standard competencies were reduced to a core set of 12. Selected competencies are assessable in a practical examination and can be used to determine a minimum level of safe practice for all nurses seeking to register at the completion of their pre-service education. The expert panel met the project aim and provided a set of examinable competencies/activities that they consider will demonstrate the fundamental safety of new registered nurses. The subsequent responsibility for setting up a register for nurses in Indonesia now rests with the Indonesian Ministry of Health. The Indonesian National Nursing Association is working with the Ministry of Health to determine the route and criteria for registration in order to establish a common level of competence for nurses across the country exiting their pre-service education.

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