
This research sought to find out the influence of top management support on ERP Implementation; find out the impact of business processes reengineering on ERP Implementation; identify the impact of ICT Infrastructure on ERP Implementation; and establish the influence of tacit knowledge users (user involvement) on ERP Implementation. The study used descriptive research design, where it obtained a sample size of 70 respondents and selected the respondents using stratified proportionate sampling. The study data collected from primary sources using structured questionnaire directly administered to the respondents based on the drop and pick method. Data was analysed using quantitative analysis to produce descriptive statistics followed by inferential analysis for estimating a model and it results represented using figures and tables and explained using narrative and its data analysis assisted by SPSS software. The study concludes that; there is a positive and significant relationship between top management support and ERP Implementation; business processes reengineering positively significantly influences ERP Implementation, Information communication technology infrastructure has a significant moderate influence on its ERP implementation, and tacit knowledge users have significant moderate influence on ERP Implementation. The study recommends that UN-Habitat should; clearly spell out the role of top management involvement, review its business process policy to accommodate various system development activities improves existing ICT infrastructure to match the proposed requirement of the vendor to implement ERP system; and acquire the appropriate tacit knowledge users for ERP implementation possessing.

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