
The ectoparasitic nematode Xiphinema index transmits grapevine fanleaf virus (GFLV) during feeding on grapevine roots, causing fanleaf degeneration in the plant. Hence, resistance breeding is a key to develop novel rootstocks to overcome such threats. In past years, various grapevine species were screened, and a few candidates with partial resistance were identified. However, they were hardly sufficient for viticulture because of their many agronomical defects. To develop reliably resistant rootstocks applicable in viticulture, multiple Vitis spp. genotypes were analyzed using root inoculation with nematodes in glass vials as an early and easy evaluation test. Resistance levels were evaluated 35 days after inoculation based on nematode reproduction factors, focusing on juveniles and eggs. Infection of grapevines with GFLV was analyzed after inoculation with viruliferous X. index. With this fast screening system, putative candidates with resistances against X. index have been identified for future breeding programs. Particularly, genotypes with the genetic background of Vitis aestivalis and Vitis labrusca were found to be nematode-resistant.

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