
Michigan State UniversityThis bibliography was created as a resource and supplement for the SpecialIssue on Culture, Race, and Ethnicity Challenges in Organizational ConsultingPsychology. It was intended to be neither exhaustive nor comprehensive butinstead a collection of consultation references that have been found helpful in amulticultural consultation practice.Keywords: multicultural consultation, diversity consultation, diversity manage-ment, intercultural communication, racism and prejudiceAs is indicated in the Guest Editor’s Introduction, the purpose of this special issue hasbeen to further stimulate discussion and theory building with regard to consultation withan increasingly multicultural workforce. In light of this goal, we decided to assemble aselected bibliography to serve as a resource and a supplement to this special issue. It isimportant to note that this bibliography is not intended to be exhaustive or comprehensive.Instead, it is meant to identify some of the key articles, book chapters, and books that havebeen useful to the guest editors and authors of this special issue in their consultationpractices. Consultants who wish to enhance their knowledge of this eld will nd manyhelpful references.

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