
The article analyzes representation of women in the Polish Parliament (Sejm) in 1991–2018, a period which corresponds to 8 terms of office. The analysis excludes the Sejm of the 10th term of office (1989–1991) due to the specific nature of the election and a different mode of its operation in the period concerned. Areas of activity and female MP participation were defined based on documents that regulate the working of the Sejm. The hypothesis assumes that main bodies and institutions of the legislative branch (Presidium, Marshal, parliamentary committees) show a disparity between the number of male and female MPs. Another hypothesis is that women are more active in committees that deal with issues stereotypically associated with women, such education and health. The study involved document and statistical analyses to compare data pertaining to the activity of male and female MPs. Research materials comprise data available at sejm.gov.pl (archives of eight terms of office). It is worth emphasizing that the website is a reliable source of information. A large part of resources has been digitized which facilitates access to research materials.

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