
Since the concept of aptamer emerged, many scientists have launched a rich field of research around it. However, few nucleic acids aptamer which use cell as target can be put into practical applications. We believe that a great deal of this lies in the complexity and irreproducibility of aptamer screening experiments themselves. The complexity is due to the cumbersome processes and the technical requirements for laboratory personnel, whereas irreproducibility arises from the fact that the starting point of such screens is nucleic acid libraries with random fragments, and that different libraries directly determine the differences or even the success or failure of screening results. The complexity and irreproducibility mentioned above, in turn, lead to the inability of this experiment to unfold on a large scale, which naturally cannot lead to excellent results for practical applications. In response to this problem, our group has developed an instrument for automated screening of tumor cell nucleic acid aptamers and characterized the properties of nucleic acid aptamers obtained using this instrument in a comprehensive manner.

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