
First general elections of the Second Constitutionalist period were held in October and November of 1908. Term of office of the First Parliament which started on 17th of November 1908 was for four years and about to finish in October of 1912. Yet, the First Parliament which was formed after the elections of 1908 was abolished on the 18th of January 1912 as a result of power struggle and held an early general election. First early general elections of the Second Constitutionalist period were held in March and April of 1912. Due to the oppression and constraint of the Committee of Union and Progress, these elections had a bad reputation of tyrannizing. Most particularly heterogeneous populated provinces were the places that corruption and constraint came out. One of these places was Macedonia. Macedonian provinces were alleged to come up against oppression and corruption densely in 1912 elections. Before the elections and after public groups gave reaction against the executions of the Committee of Union and Progress. What happened in Macedonia elections in 1912, therefore, are important to explain the relations between the Unionists and public groups, electioneering and objections to elections. Meanwhile 1912 election is a crucial laboratory to comprehend the general elections held under one-party regime in our recent history


  • First general elections of the Second Constitutionalist period were held in October and November of 1908

  • Ġmparatorluğun kronikleĢmiĢ iç ve dıĢ sorunlarına bir türlü çözüm bulunamaması ittihatçıların baĢarısızlığı olarak görülüyordu

  • Makale Lucas, R.E. (1988), “On the Mechanics of Economic Development”, Journal of Monetary Economics, 22: 3-42

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MeĢrutiyet döneminin ilk genel seçimleri 1908 yılının Ekim-Kasım aylarında yapıldı. Seçim sonrası 17 Aralık 1908‟de açılan Meclis-i Mebusan‟ın görev süresi dört yıldı ve 1912 yılının Ekim ayında sona ermekteydi. Fakat 1908 seçimleriyle oluĢan Meclis-i Mebusan iktidar mücadelesi sebebiyle 18 Ocak 1912 yılında feshedildi ve erken genel seçimler yapıldı. MeĢrutiyet döneminin ilk erken genel seçimleri 1912 yılının Mart-Nisan aylarında yapıldı. Bu seçimler Ġttihat ve Terakki‟nin baskı ve zorlamaları nedeniyle tarihe sopalı seçimler olarak geçmiĢtir

Özellikle nüfus bakımından heterojen nüfusa sahip olan vilayetler seçimlerde
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