
The formation of seal and surface crust in the soil has direct consequences for the development of the crops and environmental quality, altering the soil structure, reducing the availability of water to the plants and favoring the erosion. The objective of this study was to evaluate the changes caused by successive rainfall events on the soil surface. Four soils were evaluated: Ferralsol; Acrisol; Leptsol; Luvisol. The selection criterion was based on pedogenetic development. The experiment was conducted under simulated rainfall, in experimental plots with a useful area of 0,3481 m², uncovered soil and slope of 0.10 mm-1. The tests were performed with mean precipitation intensity of 85 mm h-1 for 75 min, applied in three consecutive events at 7 day intervals, to determine the effects of surface sealing during rainfall and crust formation after the soil drying period. The hydraulic flow variables, the soil losses (PSi), soil disaggregation rate in interrill (Di) and the interrill erodibility factor (Ki) were evaluated. The formation of sealing and surface crusts were observed with increase of the flow velocity and liquid discharge, and the decrease of water sheet height, as well as in the changes in PSi, Di and Ki, being in the first event of simulated rainfall the greater contribution to formation of superficial crusting. TX showed the most stable after the successive events of simulated rainfall, even though the surface roughness was modified, did not present significant changes in the soil losses, disaggregation rate and soil interill erodibility. Keywords: Interill erosion, semiarid, sediment concentration, surface roughness, hydraulic flow variables.

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