
Mechanical stretch of atrial muscle in vitro induces movement of ANP granules from central perinuclear areas to the periphery of the sarcoplasm at the sarcolemma. This centrifugal movement is associated with maximal secretion of ANP into the suspension medium, without morphological evidence of exocytosis. Since the addition of vinblastine suppresses the movement of granules and ANP secretion, microtubuli are probably involved in the intracellular movement of ANP granules.


  • M echanical stretch o f atrial m uscle in vitro induces m ovem ent ofANP granules fro m central perinuclear areas to the periphery o f the sarcoplasm a t the sarcolem m a

  • S p ie rm o n sters vir e l e k tr o n m ik roskop ie ( E M ) ‘* en 1 ml su sp e n sie­ medium vir bepaling van rot-atriale natriuretiese peptied (ANP)^ (Amersham aA N P'"^ I-radioreseptor-essai) is v o o r rekking en na m a k s im a le r e k k in g (1 g r a m vir 30 m in u t e ) geneem

  • Sekresie deur middel van eksositose word deur die antimitotiese alkaloied, vinblastien, wat depolimerisasie van m ik r o tu bulibevorder, onderdruk .^ In ’n verde re reeks eksper im e n te m e t 10 volw asse manne tjie r o tte, is vin b la stien (1 m ik romol ) d u s by die s u sp e n sie m e d iu m van atriale spierweefsel gevoeg

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M echanical stretch o f atrial m uscle in vitro induces m ovem ent ofANP granules fro m central perinuclear areas to the periphery o f the sarcoplasm a t the sarcolem m a. Dit word egter algemeen aanvaar dat meganiese uitrekking van atriumspier, byvoorbeeld deur 'n groter bloedvolume,^ ’n b e la n g rik e p rik k e l vir sekresie vanANP is.

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