
The era of industrial revolution 4.0 is known as the era of openness that calls for the quality of human resources characterized by technological capabilities. Sophisticated technology results in a decrease in character for adults, including educators. Based on research from several regions in Indonesia conducted by UNICEF (2006), it was proved that around 80% were still prone to violence in the school environment conducted by educators to students. Based on the case above, the writer wants to give advice by creating child-friendly schools that are able to provide children's rights in order to be able to provide pleasant and comfortable services. This research was conducted at the Muhammadiyah Elementary School 2 in Berbah Yogyakarta. This research is a qualitative research that uses a phenomenological approach. In collecting data using the trianggulation method and reading related books. Based on the results of research to realize child-friendly schools in the industrial revolution era 4.0, SD Muhammadiyah Pajangan 2 Berbah applied. 6M, namely: 1) Cultivating 5S (greetings, smiles, greetings, courtesy and courtesy), 2) instilling Muhammadiyah pledges, 3) improving habituation (Riyadhoh), 4) improving infrastructure, 5) improving the quality of educators, and 6) terminating School canteen.

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