
Since its first revelation to mankind, Al-Qur-an unavoidably become subject of rewriting and preservation process, whether in the Rasul period, companion, and till present day. This historical process indicates that the purity is guaranteed by Allah as He promises in the scare text. The rewriting and preservation of the Qur-an was not done in the same way since the Rasullah period to companions in particular the era of Abu bakr and Ustman ibn Affan. Rasul assigned some of his companions to record all verses revealed to Him. Among the companions were Abu Bakar al-Shiddiq, Umar bin Khattab, Utsman bin Affan, Ali bin Abi Thalib, Zaid bin Tsabit, and Ubay bin Ka’ab. At the time, all revelations were recorded in very unorganised ways and were scattered around. During the time of Abu Bakar, the process of collecting and arranging the Qur-an into a mushaf was based on Rasul’s guidance and instruction. A committee, that consisted of four companions namely; Zaid bin Tsabit Utsman bin Affan, Ali bin Abi Thalib and Ubay bin Ka’ab, was pointed to collect the scattered manuscripts. Abu Bakar kept the collection to his death. Usman ibn Affan then copied the collection as a mean of preservation. In so doing, he pointed Abdullah bin Zubair, Sa’id bin al-Ash, Abdul al-Rahman bin al-Harits bin Hisyam whom were led by Zaid bin Tsabit. This group produced five copies based on the collection that was kept by Abu bakar. Four copies were sent to Mecca, Syria, Basrah, dan Kufah, while the rest of it was kept in Madinah for himself. Then this muzhab was called Muzhaf Al-Imam Kata Kunci: al-Qur’an, mushaf, rasm Utsmany

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