
Since 1934, the idea to establish an Islamic bank has arisen. It began with the concept that the banks’ interest is haram. Then the establishment of Bank Perkreditan Rakyat (BPR) which used zero interest in its operational system. MUI banking team was established in 1992, after Lokakarya Bunga Bank MUI, to manage the establishment of first Islamic bank, namely Bank Muamalat Indonesia on 1 November 1991. In era law no. 10 of 1998, dual banking system appeared, and the acknowledgement of three banking types existence began in law 21 of 2008 because those were mentioned in law no. 21 of 2008. The method used in this research is a historical method, in which search for data and facts from past that has correlations with the implementation of Islamic banking from the first establishment until 2014 (1992-2014) then recite it in this research. The finding revealed that the existence of legal act (Law No. 21 of 2008) have been giving an increase in the number of Sharia Commercial Banks which were originally only three Islamic Commercial Banks (BUS) up to 14. This can be an input for the government that for all sharia-compliant matters such as sharia insurance, sharia mutual funds, Islamic capital markets, and others, it requires legal aspects from the government that regulate it so that the development of Sharia economy in Indonesia will accelerate.

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