
The Vlora-Elbasani-Dibra transversal fault zone crosses from south-west to northeast the Albanides collision zone starting from Vlora area to the Dumre diapir and continuing from Elbasani Quaternary graben to Dibra area, within the internal Albanides extensional zone. The Vlora-Elbasani-Dibra seismogenic fault zone is expressed by an alignment of important historical and instrumental seismicity with 15 Ms > 6 earthquakes. The Vlora-Berati-Elbasani segment of this fault zone during the year 1851 has been activated along all is length. The geological and neotectonic investigations and the focal mechanism solutions of earthquakes that occurred along the Vlora-Elbasani-Dibra fault zone prove its division into two distinct fault zones: a) the Mali i Kanalit Block - Dumre diapir strike-slip fault zone NNE trending in transpression, and b) the Elbasan-Dibra normal fault zone NE trending in transtension. The Mali i Kanalit Block-Dumre diapir strike-slip zone NNE trending in transpression offsets dextrally and to SW the folds and thrusts of the Çika, Kurveleshi and Berati anticlinal belts of Ionian zone. The Neogene (mainly since Middle Miocene) offset of the Çika, Kurveleshi and Berati anticlinal belts from generally NW-SE trending to near N-S one has led to thrust’s steepening and turning into high-angle strike-slip faults due to NE-SW oblique compression from the Albanides collision zone. The Othoni Island-Dhermi strike-slip fault offsets the dextrally dragged Devolli (to the east of Dumre diapir), Osumi (near to Berati town), and Vjosa (west of Shkoza village) rivers’ valleys formed from the Middle Pleistocene (180,000 years) to historic times. The Othoni Island-Dhermi dextral strike-slip fault, that reaches the maximum velocity of greater than 5 mm/year to the south of it, is the only leading fault that shaped the Mali i Kanalit Block-Dumre diapir dextral strike-slip fault zone. Focal mechanism solutions of earthquakes that occurred on the Mali i Kanalit Block - Dumre diapir dextral strike-slip zone show their generation from strike-slip faults in transpressional motions. Focal mechanism solutions of earthquakes that occurred on the Elbasan-Dibra were generated from normal faults with dextral strike-slip movements.

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