
A comparative analysis of the morphological features of rock horizons affected by paleoearthquakes showed that seismites from lithologically different deposits differ significantly. Powerful earthquakes determine not only the destruction of the sedimentary structure of near-surface deposits and their chaotic mixing, but also actively affect the underlying layers to a depth of several tens of meters; since the degree of diagenetic lithification of rocks in different horizons varies with depth, the nature of their seismogenic changes also changes. It was found that major seismic events were associated with the time intervals of tectonic and paleogeographic restructuring of sedimentation basins, which consisted in the intensification of the process of bowing of the reservoir bed, changes in the material composition of sediments accumulated in the paleobasin. A special type of seismites was formed during the impact of earthquakes on siliceous deposits, in which the processes of diagenetic redistribution of authigenic mineral matter, which passed through the gel stage during diagenesis, actively proceeded.

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