
Accurate documentation of the location and geometry of seismogenic faults are critical for understanding strong seismicity and seismic hazard mitigation. A rising concern worldwide is induced seismicity caused by hydraulic fracturing, yet the geological characteristics and mechanisms of such seismogenic faults remain insufficiently understood. In particular, a first-order issue is whether the strong (M ≥ 5.0) induced earthquakes are caused directly by the slip of shallow faults near shale reservoirs or indirectly by deep basement faults. The September 16, 2021 Ms 6.0 (Mw 5.4) Luxian earthquake in the Sichuan Basin, China is one of the world's greatest induced earthquakes related to shale gas exploitation. Here we constrain the geometry of the seismogenic fault of this earthquake using three-dimensional seismic reflection data and a dense seismic array. Pre-existing faults in the sedimentary cover are clearly visible in seismic coherence slices. However, these shallow faults do not match the seismological parameters of the Luxian earthquake. High-resolution seismic reflection profiles combined with relocated earthquakes indicate that the seismogenic fault is located in the Precambrian basement. The results suggest that the mainshock is most likely caused by the poroelastic effects due to fluid injection. Hydraulic fracturing could have reactivated a large-scale basement fault and triggered the strong earthquakes under a relatively high geo-stress conditions in the study area. The basement fault slipped upward and ruptured the sedimentary cover, resulting in a significant difference between the focal and centroid depths of the mainshock. Our findings emphasize the importance of investigating regional tectonic and geological settings, local stress fields, and pre-existing faults for studying potential induced seismicity in shale gas fields.

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