
The characteristic features of the seismicity of the Altai-Sayan region in 2016–2017 are considered. The stationary seismic network within the reporting period consisted of 52 stations. Upgrading the recording equipment and retrofitting the stations with strong motion sensors was continued. In addition to the stationary network, four local time networks functioned in the region. One of them investigated the seismic process and accumulated data for constructing the Moho boundary using the method of receiving functions in the Altai Republic, the other three were focused on the study of technogenic seismicity in the area of coal minings of the Kemerovo and Novosibirsk regions. During the reporting period, 11424 earthquakes were registered in the region, 58 % of them occurred in the Chui-Kurai zone of the Altai Mountains, for which a brief description of seismicity is given separately. The total seismic energy released in earthquake foci was 6.141012 J in 2016 and 2.381013 J in 2017. The slope of the linear part of the earthquake recurrence chart for 2016–2017 has not undergone significant changes compared to previous reporting periods. The largest earthquake on the territory of the Altai-Sayan region for the reporting period (ML=6.39) occurred on April 4, 2017 at 15h07m in the Zaisan Depression area of the Kazakhstan Republic.

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