
In 2018 and 2019 seismic observations on the territory of Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan were carried out by networks of seismic stations of these countries. In August 2018, the Salom-Alik station was added to the 25 seismic stations, functioning on the territory of Kyrgyzstan, and in April 2019, the Jany-Kuch station was installed. In 2018, 4 stations (Buston, Nukus, Sukok, Khiva) of 45 stations operating in the previous year in Uzbekistan were closed out. So, data of 41 seismic stations of Uzbekistan were used in 2018 and 2019. 2018 was relatively calm as regards to the seismic activity: the consolidated catalog of earthquakes included 231 events with KR=8.6–13.0. The maximum by energy was the earthquake of September 3 at 21h52m with KR=13.0, located at the territory of neighboring China. The foreshock close by energy was registered 73 seconds before it (KR=12.1). The main shock was accompanied by aftershocks, the maximum of which occurred on September 4 at 02h51m with KR=11.6. In 2019, the seismicity of the region remained almost at the level of the previous year: 210 earthquakes with KR=8.6–12.4 were registered. The strongest earthquake in this year's catalog occurred on January 12 with KR=12.4 also in China. The lowest seismic activity compared to its long-term average value for the period from 1996 to 2019 was noted in 2019.

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