
AbstractEarthquake locations along the southern Mid‐Atlantic Ridge have large uncertainties due to the sparse distribution of permanent seismological stations in and around the South Atlantic Ocean. Most of the earthquakes are associated with plate tectonic processes related to the formation of new oceanic lithosphere, as they are located close to the ridge axis or in the immediate vicinity of transform faults. A local seismological network of ocean‐bottom seismometers and land stations on and around the archipelago of Tristan da Cunha allowed for the first time a local earthquake survey for 1 year. We relate intraplate seismicity within the African oceanic plate segment north of the island partly to extensional stresses induced by a bordering large transform fault and to the existence of the Tristan mantle plume. The temporal propagation of earthquakes within the segment reflects the prevailing stress field. The strong extensional stresses in addition with the plume weaken the lithosphere and might hint at an incipient ridge jump. An apparently aseismic zone coincides with the proposed location of the Tristan conduit in the upper mantle southwest of the islands. The margins of this zone describe the transition between the ductile and the surrounding brittle regime. Moreover, we observe seismicity close to the islands of Tristan da Cunha and nearby seamounts, which we relate to ongoing tectono‐magmatic activity.

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