
The problem of the scattering of a seismic wave by a small (compared to the wavelength of the fast compressional wave) porous inclusion placed in another porous medium is studied using the Born approximation. The mechanical behavior of both host and inc lus ion mate r ia l s i s desc r ibed by the low-frequency version of Biot 's theory. The resu l t s depend s ign i f ican t ly on the ra t io o f the wavelength of the slow compressional wave and the inhomogeneity size. For small values of th i s ra t io resu l t s a re in agreement wi th exact results of Berryman (1985), derived for spher ica l inc lus ion . In the opposite case new results are obtained. They can be used to estimate compressional wave velocity and attenuation in a porous medium containing randomly d i s t r ibu ted inc lus ions . The frequency dependence of attenuation is found to be in agreement wi th the resu l t s fo r randomly layered porous materials.

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