
The Sun is believed to have been the recipient of a substantial amount of metal-rich material over the course of its evolution, particularly in the early stages of the solar system. With a long diffusion timescale, the majority of this accreted matter should still exist in the solar convection zone, enhancing its observed surface abundance, and implying a lower abundance core. While helioseismology rules out solar models with near-zero metallicity cores, some solar models with enhanced metallicity in the convection zone might be viable, as small perturbations to the standard model. Because of the reduced interior opacity and core temperature, the neutrino flux predicted for such models is lower than that predicted by the standard solar model. This paper examines how compatible inhomogeneous solar models of this kind are with the observed low and intermediate degree p-mode oscillation data, and with the solar neutrino data from the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory Collaboration. We set an upper limit on how much metal-rich accretion took place during the early evolution of the Sun at ~2 M⊕ of iron (or ~40 M⊕ of meteoric material).

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