
The Wasatch fault (WF) has been the subject of intensive study. Adjacent to a large and growing urban corridor, it poses a distinct seismic hazard for ∼2.5 million residents who live on its hanging wall, and has numerous Quaternary scarps and produced a M5.7 quake in March of 2020. Thus, the shallow architecture of the fault is important for understanding its earthquake hazards.Prior work has revealed shallow bedrock shelves in the hanging wall near the fault. To detect and image these shelves, we have employed the HVSR method (horizontal-to-vertical spectral ratio) at three locations along and across the WF. This method is powerful in that data can be collected rapidly in an urban setting. However, this method requires knowledge of the Vs of sediment overlying bedrock in order to estimate bedrock depth. We employed the MASW (multichannel-analysis of surface waves) method to obtain the characteristic Vs of sediment overlying bedrock.At Corner Canyon in Draper, Utah, Lake Bonneville sands and gravels overlie intrusive rocks of the Little Cottonwood Stock. Fault offsets inferred from HVSR correlate to mapped scarps. At Traverse Ridge, an HVSR profile co-located to a prior seismic reflection profile also detected shallow bedrock beneath alluvial fan sediment, including a graben system. However, at this site the geology is more complex. Fan sediment is underlain by altered volcanic rocks with subjacent quartzite. The HVSR method detected and characterized these boundaries.A majority of data were collected across the WF in the vicinity of Rock Canyon, Utah in order to create a 3D surface of the bedrock shelf. This area is heavily developed, but with numerous mapped scarps. A 3D model of the bedrock shelf indicates that it is broad, >1 km from the main trace of the WF. This width was not previously known. The HVSR results conform to mapped fault offsets, but also reveal a large, buried (and previously unknown) graben.One main finding of this study is that HVSR is a useful tool for mapping the shallow architecture of bedrock shelves in the hanging wall of normal faults, as long as a reasonable estimate of the Vs of sediment overlying bedrock can be made. Mapping can be accomplished rapidly in uneven topography or in urban settings as the instrumental footprint is very small. A second main finding is that large normal faults may commonly have concealed bedrock shelves. These shelves may affect engineering inputs like Vs30. However, they may also have other unanticipated effects on the nature of ground shaking, perhaps due to the trapping of energy or reverberation between the ground surface, bedrock shelf, and bedrock in the foot wall.

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