
Recognition of seismically induced microstructures is important to unravel the different deformation processes during seismic cycles, especially at the base of the upper crust where many earthquakes nucleate. Deformed quartz veins related to a strike-slip shear zone within the Schobergruppe (Austroalpine Crystalline Complex, Eastern Alps) contain intense kinking in elongated quartz grains. The kink band boundaries are inclined into the general dextral sense of shear. Cathodoluminescence (CL) images reveal that the entire thin section contains a very high density of intragranular, sub-planar microstructures developed as thin dark CL lamellae accompanied with nanometre-scale fluid inclusions. Based on the oscillating orientation variation across low angle boundaries (misorientation angle 1-9°) these lamellar microstructures are referred as short-wavelength undulatory extinction microstructures - SWUE (Trepmann & Stöckhert, 2013). Only grains with SWUE, orientated parallel to the foliation, are kinked. In general, kinked microstructures mainly develop in strongly anisotropic material or minerals with a strong cleavage, e.g. micas. Deformation at high differential stresses e.g. during coseismic loading can produce a strong anisotropic microstructure in quartz by the development of deformation lamellae. Trepmann & Stöckhert (2013) showed in deformation experiments of quartz that SWUE preserve evidence of an earlier coseismic stress peak, even when overprinted during subsequent crystal plastic creep deformation at lower stress. The SWUE in the deformed Schober quartz veins are interpreted in a similar way. These microstructures were primary deformation lamellae developed during coseismic loading. TEM images reveal a high degree of recovery (low dislocation density) across the SWUE. Subsequent overprint by ongoing creep at lower stresses is recorded by vein quartz samples with mylonitic microstructures. The densely spaced sub-planar microstructures cause a high anisotropy of the quartz grains, which finally were kinked. Electron backscatter diffraction data give evidence of different slip systems that were active during the development of the deformation lamellae followed by recovery (SWUE), and during the subsequent kink band formation. The opposite direction of the Burges vectors (based on Weighted Burges Vector analysis, Wheeler et al., 2009) at the corresponding kink band boundaries is geometrical consistent with sinistral shearing within the kink domain along the anisotropic deformation lamellae/SWUE related to the dextral sheared kink band. Intensively kinked micas (muscovite and biotite) in the mica-rich host rock (in direct contact to the kinked quartz vein sample) point to seismic induced kinking, which is supported by the vicinity (1-1.5m) of a fault zone with pseudotachylytes.

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