
Abstract LUKoil and ConocoPhillips formed the joint venture company NaryanMarNefteGaz (NMNG) to develop jointly owned licenses in the Timan-Pechora Basin. The Yuzhno Khilchuyu license lies in this province and, is expected to be one of the largest and most prolific fields in the region. Development of the Yuzhno Khilchuyu Field requires a huge initial investment in infrastructure, drilling and transportation. Successfully achieving acceptable reserves and production levels from the field will be critical to offset these investments. To meet this challenge a more detailed understanding of the reservoir is needed to optimize well placement. In 2004, a large multi-disciplinary subsurface project team was formed with members from LUKoil, ConocoPhillips and Fugro-Jason to develop updated high-resolution geologic and reservoir simulation models. The seismic and well log data were completely reprocessed, resulting in a significant improvement in the overall data quality. All log, core, and production test data were incorporated into a new, fully integrated, interpretation. A sophisticated Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) geostatistical inversion methodology was applied, and the resulting high-resolution geologic model yields a dramatic increase in reservoir detail. The new model enabled the team to define the aerial extent of different reservoirs and the distribution of internal barriers. It also provided insight into porosity and permeability distribution within each reservoir, enabling better decisions on the location of production and water injection wells. Development drilling is in progress.

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