
The mantle wedge beneath the Northern Andes magmatic arc is expected to be latitudinally heterogeneous as suggested by the highly variable composition of recovered xenoliths, a discontinuous pattern of low seismic velocity zones, and unusually high Vp/Vs ratios below volcanic centers. Such heterogeneity might be controlling the development of the modern arc which currently shows a narrow northern volcanic segment between ∼4° and 6°N (<75 km wide), a volcanic gap of hundreds of km in its central portion (∼2°-4°N), and a wider southern volcanic expression between ∼2°S and 2°N (>120 km wide). Through an analysis of Pn and Sn inter-station wave speed estimates, the seismic structure dissimilarity and latitudinal thermo-compositional insights were constrained within the uppermost mantle beneath the arc. Results, integrating wave speed estimates, anisotropy, and thermo-compositional inferences obtained by wave velocity comparison using physical properties of minerals and phase equilibria modeling, suggest a seismically slower structure, higher anisotropy, and warmer conditions beneath the northern region (>4°N), whereas a faster, less anisotropic, and colder mantle towards the south (<2°N). We interpret the warmer and higher degree of anisotropy in the northern uppermost mantle as influenced by the Caldas tear, prompting hot mantle influx. Beneath the gap region, seismic speeds are similar to those in the north, yet a colder thermal state is suggested. We interpret the colder temperatures and the abrupt reduction in surface volcanism as reflecting an absence, or a reduced amount of magma pounding within the Moho vicinity. The southern upper mantle is seismically faster and colder compared to the northern portions of the arc. We interpret the fast velocities, and a wider volcanic expression on the surface, as influenced by the Carnegie ridge interaction prompting a shallower subduction with respect to the north. Our wave speed estimate and thermo-compositional inferences draw an increase in temperature and seismic anisotropy in the uppermost mantle from south to north along the Northern Andes magmatic arc. The main controlling factor of the general anisotropy below the entire arc seems to be the preferred orientation of olivine and pyroxene rather than an aligned melt fabric.

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