
Themes food security and biofuel production feed so me controversies in the contemporary, whether by th e conflicts of social and environmental context, is both the oppor tunities it represents. Therefore, this article see ks to understand and emphasize one set of variables that describe these conflicts and opportunities, but, especially, respo nd as biodiesel production in Brazil may help in strengthening the domestic food security, highlighting the positions of prominence in the country international context. The notions of s upply and demand, followed by a perspective of sust ainable development as well as an analysis of networks of i nterorganizational cooperation, illuminate the theo retical debate developed around the themes laid. At the end of the paper, it is possible some considerations that mak e it possible to extend this discussion and at the same time minimiz e such conflicts. For this, we suggest alternative ways to strengthen the strategies to increase domestic production of b iodiesel and export, from the diversification of ne w sustainable agricultural production headquarters, as well as th e strengthening of the purposes of food security in Brazil in the international context. Key-words: Food. Energy. Soybeans. Agribusiness. Sustainabili ty.

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