
Haplodiploidization through in vitro androgenesis allows the development of homozygous lines from heterozygous parents in one generation. Hence, the production of doubled haploid (DH) lines is a powerful tool for plant breeding and genetic analyses. The main use of haplodiploidization is to hasten the development of inbred lines combining the desired homozygous genes from genetically distinct populations. For example, the technique has been used to obtain yellow mosaic virus resistant (Foroughi-Wehr and Friedt, 1984) and mildew resistant (Powell et al., 1984) barley lines and yellow seeded canola lines (Henderson and Pauls, 1992). Haplodiploidization could be of great value when applied in recurrent selection schemes (Patel et al., 1985; Gallais, 1986).KeywordsDoubled HaploidBrassica NapusAnther CultureSegregation DistortionDoubled Haploid LineThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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