
Segmented financial statements provide more useful information on the prospects of a diversified company than the usual consolidated financial statements. Divisional and geographical segmented financial statements improve the investor's predictive ability and make inter-company comparisons possible. As a result of pressure from investors detailed segmented disclosure is becoming a statutory requirement in the more advanced countries. Diversified companies are becoming the norm in South Africa. However, shareholders are not given segmented reports of the different divisions and geographical regions that have differing risk, profitability, and growth. The Companies Act prescribes insufficient segmented reporting by South African companies. Some of the largest and most diversified companies in South Africa are listed on the stock exchange. However, the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE) has not prescribed any segmented disclosure requirements in addition to that required by the Companies Act. The lack of generally accepted accounting practice has also resulted in listed companies providing segmented reports in an arbitrary and inconsistent manner. It is recommended that the segmented disclosure requirements of the Companies Act and the JSE be amended to bring them in line with the more advanced countries. The accountancy profession should give urgent attention to providing a statement on generally accepted accounting practice relating to segmented disclosure.


  • Segmented financial statements provide more useful information on the prospects of a diversified company than the usual consolidated financial statements

  • The Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE) has not prescribed any segmented disclosure requirements in addition to that required by the Companies Act

  • It is recommended that the segmented disclosure requirements of the Companies Act and the JSE be amended to bring them in line with the more advanced countries

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Segmented reporting by diversified companies in South Africa

Segmented financial statements provide more useful information on the prospects of a diversified company than the usual consolidated financial statements. Some of the largest and most diversified companies in South Africa are listed on the stock exchange. The Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE) has not prescribed any segmented disclosure requirements in addition to that required by the Companies Act. The lack of generally accepted accounting practice has resulted in listed companies providing segmented reports in an arbitrary and inconsistent manner. Alhoewel baie van die gediversifiseerde maatskappye in Suid-Afrika op die beurs genoteer word, is daar geen voorskrifte van die Johannesburgse Effektebeurs ten opsigte van gesegmenteerde verslagdoening bo en behalwe die soos voorgeskryf deur die Wet op Maatskappye nie. Daar word voorgestel dat die vereistes van die Wet op Maatskappye en die Johannesburgse Effektebeurs ten opsigte van gesegmenteerde openbaarmaking, verander word om aan te pas by praktyke in meer gevorderde lande. Bhana Graduate School of Business, University of Durban-Westville, Private Bag 54001, Durban 4000, Republic of South Africa

The need for segmented reporting
Segmented reporting by diversified companies In overseas countries
Segmented disclosure requirements for diversified companies In South Africa
Geographical analysis
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