
In synthetic-aperture-radar (SAR) imaging, large volumes of data are normally processed and transported over airborne or space-based platforms. The development of fast and robust algorithms for processing and analysis of this type of data is therefore of great importance. It has been demonstrated recently that a Markov-random-field (MRF) model, based on the statistical properties of coherent imaging, provides an ideal framework to describe the spatial correlation within SAR imagery in the presence of speckle noise, which is present in all SAR imagery. When combined with Gibbs-energy-minimization techniques, the MRF-framework has also led to the development of effective and efficient speckle-reducing image restoration algorithms. In this work, the convexity of the Gibbs energy function for SAR imagery is established thereby facilitating the development of a novel image segmentation algorithm for speckled SAR imagery. The segmentation algorithm is too based on minimizing the Gibbs energy function, which is attained without the need for computationally intensive global optimization techniques such as simulated annealing. A comparative experimental analysis, using real SAR imagery, of the proposed segmentation algorithm against a statistical-thresholding approach is undertaken showing the advantage of the proposed approach in the presence of the speckle noise. Notably, unlike the thresholding technique, the proposed algorithm can be applied to speckled imagery directly without the need for preprocessing the imagery for speckle-noise reduction.

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