
The task of natural image segmentation is one of the most researched topics of computer vision. There are mainly two principal approaches for the task, the statistical approach and the supervised approach. The proposed methodology segments natural images combining a set of statistical algorithms. First, the image is preprocessed to enhance the edges. Weighted average of the denoised image and its derivatives is the preprocessed output. Thereafter, an energy based super pixelation is applied to over segment the image. Finally, a connectivity graph is built where nodes correspond to super pixels and edges connect the adjacent super pixels. The adjacent super pixels are merged based on the confidence value defined in terms of their textural and colour similarity. Proposed methodology has been applied on the images of BSDS500 dataset. Performance of the proposed work has been compared with that of other works based on detected edge maps. Few works generate ultrametric contour maps (UCM). To compare the performance with those works, UCM is also generated by the proposed methodology. To do so images at multiple scales are considered. It is observed that the output of segmentation is better in case of the proposed methodology. Proposed methodology is much faster than others. Thus, makes it suitable for real time application in robot vision.

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