
The difficulty of getting a job that is in accordance with the interests and specialization of a worker, as well as the difficulty of the company getting a worker who suits the needs of the company causes the mushrooming of consulting firms or labor providers in Indonesia today. With the increasing number of companies providing labor, of course the competitiveness of the business industry in the human resources is increasingly high. So it needs to be analyzed to determine the right business strategy, such as determining the company's promotion goals. One of them is analyzing the segmentation of customers who have worked together. This research successfully modeled customer segmentation based on data mining clustering techniques using the K-Means data mining algorithm. The QRF (Quantity, Recency, Frequency) modeling process is analyzing the customer's behavior from the number of requests in each transaction carried out within a certain timeframe, as well as recency as the identification of the time span of the last transaction, as well as the number of transactions made within a certain time period. Researchers conducted a period of data for one year by analyzing customer activity in start-up providers of labor during 2019, on 86 active customers. Based on the analysis results obtained, customer segmentation in two clusters with QRF (Quantity, Recency, Frequency) modeling using Davies Bouldin Index (DBI) evaluation scored -0,482, while customer segmentation in three clusters using QRF (Quantity, Recency, Frequency) evaluation using Davies Bouldin Index (DBI) evaluation to obtain -0.469, and customer segmentation in four clusters with QRF (Quantity, Recency, Frequency) modeling using Davies BouldinIndex (DBI) evaluation to obtain -0,526.
 Keywords— pelanggan, clustering, algoritma k-means, DBI, QRF


  • The difficulty of getting a job that is in accordance with the interests and specialization

  • well as the difficulty of the company getting a worker who suits the needs of the company causes the mushrooming of consulting firms

  • of them is analyzing the segmentation of customers

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Sulitnya mendapatkan pekerjaan yang sesuai dengan minat dan spesialisasi bagi seorang pekerja, serta sulitnya perusahaan mendapatkan seorang pekerja yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan perusahaan menyebabkan menjamurnya perusahaan konsultan atau penyedia tenaga kerja di Indonesia saat ini. Proses klasterisasi dilakukan untuk mengetahui nilai tertentu pada pelanggan, sehingga dapat menentukan strategi pemasaran dengan analisis RFM (Recency, Frequency, Monetary) termodifikasi. Hal yang melatar belakangi penelitian ini karena klasterisasi data dengan menggunakan QRF akan mendapatkan hasil uji yang lebih optimum dibandingkan dengan menggunakan metode lain. Data Mining Data mining digunakan untuk menguraikan suatu database dengan proses teknik statistik, matematis dan machine learning untuk mengidentifikasikan informasi yang bermanfaat terkait dengan database dalam jumlah besar. Jadi dapat dipahami bahwa data mining merupakan proses untuk menguraikandan menemukan pola suatu data dengan menggunakan teknik statistik, matematik dan machine learning untuk mendapatkan informasi yang bermanfaat dari suatu data [3]. C. Tools RapidMiner RapidMiner merupakan salah satu tools aplikasi yang digunakan untuk mengolah data mining dengan perhitungan dan analisis algoritma yang lengkap. RapidMiner yang digunakan pada penelitian kali ini adalah RapidMiner versi 5.3

Evaluation Phase
Pemodelan Klasterisasi
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