
Currently used screening method for the early detection of cervical cancer with a Pap smear others, and Visual Inspection Acetic Acid (VIA). If the inspection indicated the existence of cervical precancerous lesions, the patients are advised to do a biopsy and colposcopy examination HPV test, because histopathologic examination to be the gold standard in the diagnosis of cancer. Pap Smear test provides several advantages: it can be done quickly and can give positive results. Malignancies can be diagnosed while still in situ stage, but there are also drawbacks, namely: only able to detect lesions that are located on the surface of the mucosa) still need to be confirmed by biopsy. Identify the possibility of the cancer cells in the Pap smear is characterized by: the shape round oval cells with different sizes, cell nuclei tend to be larger, core diskariotik, hiperkromatik and coarse chromatin. From the results of comparison testing between the cytoplasm to the nucleus of cells in samples Pap smear with a normal category get a number that is likely to stick with an average value of 32.5. Keywords : Pap Smear, Digital Image Processing, ca cervix.


  • CA Cancer Journal for Clinicians menyebutkan sebanyak 1.596.670 kasus kanker baru dan 571.950 kematian akibat kanker yang diproyeksikan terjadi di Amerika Serikat pada 2011

  • If the inspection indicated the existence of cervical precancerous lesions, the patients are advised to do a biopsy and colposcopy examination HPV test, because histopathologic examination to be the gold standard in the diagnosis of cancer

  • Malignancies can be diagnosed while still in situ stage, but there are drawbacks, namely: only able to detect lesions that are located on the surface of the mucosa) still need to be confirmed by biopsy

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Saat ini metode skrining yang digunakan untuk deteksi dini kanker serviks antara lain dengan pemeriksaan Pap Smear, dan Inspeksi Visual Asam Asetat ( IVA). Pemeriksaan tes Pap Smear memberikan beberapa keuntungan: dapat dilakukan dengan cepat dan dapat memberikan hasil positif. Keganasan dapat terdiagnosis meskipun masih dalam stadium insitu, namun juga ada kekurangannya yaitu : hanya dapat untuk mendeteksi lesi yang letaknya di permukaan mukosa (untuk Pap Smear) masih perlu dikonfirmasi dengan biopsi. Identifikasi kemungkinan adanya sebagai sel kanker pada pemeriksaan Pap Smear ditandai dengan adanya : bentuk sel bulat lonjong dengan berbagai ukuran, inti sel cenderung lebih besar, inti diskariotik, hiperkromatik dan kromatin kasar. Dari hasil pengujian perbandingan antara sitoplasma dengan inti sel pada sampel pemeriksaan Pap. Smear dengan katagori normal mendapatkan angka cenderung tetap yaitu dengan nilai ratarata 32,5

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